Monday, October 11, 2010

Songs, Lyrics, Sex and Teenagers

Is sex and music a gate away to teenagers for having sex?
It is believed that the music industries have an influence on the behaviour of the children today.

Studies have shown that there is a strong link between music that young teens listen to and their sexual behaviours. It is proved that "average teen listens to 1.5 to of  music every day.

Girls who watch more than 14 hours of music videos are more likely to engage in unsafe sex with multiple partners and get STI. Boys who watch violent sex scenes on television have less sympathy to victims of sexual violence".

Many of these songs have sexual themes that can range from being romantic and playful to raunchy and degrading",
This is a chart of sexual content of different genres of music (based on this study)
Musical Genre

Number of songs per album(s)
% of songs with sexual content
% of songs with degrading sexual content

Hard Rock

Alternative Rock




R & B


Teen Pop

It was also said that "Teens who listened to lots of music with degrading sexual messages were almost twice as likely to start having intercourse or other sexual activities within the following two years as were teens who listened to little or no sexually degrading music

Monday, October 4, 2010

The Influence Of The Americans

Looking at world music today you would see that the influence of the Americans in our people who live by being in the spotlight is very obvious to see, I wont dwell too much on that I will show you some videos of Beyonce and that of Chomee who is a South Africa female artists who her dances and performances make men risk losing their wives by coming home late at night coming back from her performance. One would reckon that their existed has became something like much needed vitamin by alpha males.

This form of entertainment once made the former liberation leader and South Africas first black democratically elected President Nelson Mandela to complain about the Boom Shakas  way of dressing and their much admired(by men) way of dancing which was very provocative in many ways depending on ones beliefs.

Today we can see that as being just another effect of globalisation or maybe if you look at with an understanding of how Africans used to dress before the missionaries came you wouldn’t be very surprised by the dances to some extent but the almost naked bodies is part of our heritage which has to be expressed and treasured.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Feminism In Music Industry

Hi guys today we are taking things from the feminism perspective. Tune in to voice out your opinions about being a woman mind you not just being a woman but how being used as a beneficiary hence you are woman affects you. This brings in lots of arguments such as “is the music by women, for women, and about women (Garofalo 1992:242)”.Not really, seems like they the focal point though because by the looks of things  they the ones who keep the wheels rolling. Looks like every time you look at a music video all you ever see is woman showing off their skin.
Having done research a study shows that when men are shown in the background of a video, they are most often fully clothed. But when women are in the background, approximately half the time they are dressed in ways that expose or focus on their breasts and rear ends (Children Now, Boys to Men: Media Messages About Masculinity, 1999).
I understand we all have our differences about the world and how it operates but how fair is this on woman why should they be used as ways to sell off music. Could they perhaps be objects let’s find out what these guys have to say.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

In our blog we are going to talk about sex and music. No no no not in that manner baby, we are going to focus on how sex sells music. Looking at the current lyrics and music videos you would pick up that you are either very embarrassed or very excited by what you see or here, your reaction will mostly depend on the way you were socialised. However most youth today are inspired by these kind of videos, for instance even if you are stuck at a music shop and then you happen to see some flesh you are immediately attracted to it which brings you to the fact that sex does sell music, OK away from the covers, now just take a look at these lines from an arguably one of the best RnB crooners of all time R. Kelly "I got your ass rolling back finger nails in your spine (sex in the evening, sex all night)
we never had a sex session like this one in your life (sex in the evening, sex all night)
". I'm sure you might somehow relate to these lyrics,  you know artists have  a way of communicating to us through music and they probably  thought  it was best for them to sell their music through sex and it seems to be working. Because we want you to catch a drift of what my partner and I are on about we posted this link so you can find out what other people think.  The blogger is thirdeyeblindislit

 Also added is an image which contains the type of theme that we are on about, check it below. In the next additions we’ll be going more in depth with the topic bringing you more fun youthful knowledge.